Welcome to my website! I hope you enjoy your time here.

On this website you will find an expanded summary of my activities in the three most salient areas (other than my immediate family) that move and have moved me over the years, both personal and professional: mathematics and mathematics education; genealogy; and music. There are also a few stories and sometimes a few upcoming events to which you are invited either in person or via Zoom (if available).

On a computer, clicking a section name at the top of the screen will access that section. If you are viewing this on a mobile phone, click on the two parallel line segments at the top right of the screen to access the section links.

Links to other websites are sometimes quite old and may not be operable at the present time or in all locations.

Comments and suggestions for improvements of this website are welcome.

September, 2024
Speaking at the annual meeting of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics in Chicago. For details, see Upcoming Events.

October, 2024
Speaking at Teachers College, Columbia University. For details, see Upcoming Events/


Picture taken by Matthew Gilson in 2007
for a University of Chicago publication.